Services We Offer

Crossroads Women’s Clinic and Crossroads Mobile Clinic offer many different services for women experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. From free lab-quality pregnancy tests and 3D and 4D ultrasounds to information on adoption and abortion, we are here to help you confirm your pregnancy and navigate towards the best decision for you. We also offer parenting classes, counseling sessions, and support for guys.

Pregnancy Tests

Think you’re pregnant? Our center offers FREE lab-quality pregnancy tests administered by certified medical professionals. Let us help you confirm your pregnancy.

3D and 4D Ultrasounds

Once your pregnancy has been confirmed, our Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographers provide FREE 3D and 4D ultrasounds to determine it is viable.

Adoption Information

If you are unsure about how to proceed with your pregnancy, adoption may be the right choice for you. There are many benefits for both mother and child.

Abortion Information

Exploring your options for an unplanned pregnancy can be overwhelming. Let us give you all the information, facts, and resources you’ll need to make an informed decision.

For Guys

An unplanned pregnancy can be scary for guys as well. You may have a lot of questions about the best next step to take. You can speak openly with our staff to express your feelings and concerns.

Parenting Classes

What happens during childbirth? How do I breastfeed and take care of my baby? All these questions are legitimate, and we can help you learn the answers.


Have you endured emotional abuse or experienced an abortion? Need advice on parenting or adoption? Let our trained and experienced staff listen to your concerns and help you through this journey.
To make an appointment at Crossroads Women’s Clinic or Mobile Clinic, call (731) 253-7495!